Today I used Access 2007 for the first time. In the past, I was an Access 2000 developer.
In Access 2007 found a nice thing for entering dates into a text box.
Formatting the text box as a date automatically shows a calendar control.
Therefore the user can select a date from the calendar, thereby removing data entry formatting errors.
So much easier than using the Active X calendar control in previous versions of Access!
I was so glad/surprised to see it I had to write this post about something released 4 years ago 🙂
“If you format the text box as a date it automatically shows a calendar control so the user can select a date from the calendar removing data entry formatting errors”. It was useful for me to reach this forum. I was working on access for the first time and found difficult to work with the calendar control. Then I stumbled up here and all solved..Thanks again…